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Friday, December 25, 2009

Decoupage Tips: Recycled Bottles

Some of My Recyled Bottles

My first decoupage project (one fine evening, a very loooooong time ago) was on a piece of wood.

Next was glass bottle.

After much practise, this is my 5 steps bottle prep work.
  1. Boil in soapy water to get rid of the residue and paper labels. Scrub vigorously remaining label's adhesive (if any).
  2. Rinse and wipe dry or leave to air-dry (usually a day or more - cos I tend to forget).
  3. Coat with one layer of water-based sealer. Let dry.
  4. Coat with gesso - at least 5 layers for even snowy coating. Thin works best for it dries faster.
  5. Top it with another layer of sealer and let dry.
Then only proceed with pasting the napkin cut-out.
  • I usually do this in batch of 3 bottles or more (depending on the size)
  • I did not use spray paint anymore since I prefer gesso's texture
  • Due to its circular/round shape, small pattern works best - less wrinkle!
  • Bottle cork is inexpensive - available at most neighbourhood household items or hardware shop
  • Sealer (step 3 & 5) is important!
  • The whole process spans days (if not weeks! you know how it is, right?)
  • Always keep a lookout for condiment bottles with interesting shape while grocery shopping!

As bottles do not have resell value (do correct me if I'm wrong), IMO this is the best way to recyle them.

p.s. I've replaced the old photo with this one. I still have a few more bottles not included, they're somewhere around the house.

1 comment:

  1. I love you bottles!! and lovely and useful step by step procedure!! congrats!

